TO : ALL Virtual Assistants
DATE : January 5, 2015
Dear Virtual Assistant –
This letter is to inform you Inc. will be aligning the VA payroll cutoff to that of the client invoicing cut-off beginning with the March 05 2015 funds release. Instead of the usual:
1st – 15th paid every 20th
16th – 31st paid every 5th
Our cut off will now be:
11th – 25th paid every 5th
26th – 10th paid every 20th
Due to the change of cut off dates, Inc. will have already paid your days worked from February 11th to February 15th on your February 20th pay day, thus those days will not be included in the computation of your pay on March 5th.
Please see page 3 for the revised pay schedule.
Why is this change being made?
Previously, everyone was paid for work performed, but some of these hours were not billed to the client yet. With this change, the days you work, and are paid will now sync exactly with the client's invoicing. This will provide for better overall continuity, transparency and accounting accuracy. In order to achieve this syncing, the cut off adjustment has to be done. We understand that this change may require a different personal budgeting strategy for some. For anyone who will be dramatically impacted by this change over, a two day cash advance may be requested no later than February 2015 CHANGE IN PAY SCHEDULE 2 05, 2015 for release with the March 5th pay slip. There are two options available for repayment of the cash advance.
Option One:
A split payment - half with the April 5th Fund Release and half with the April 20th Fund Release.
Option Two:
Full repayment with the April 20th Fund Release.
If, after reviewing the new 2015 Pay Release Schedule and reading through the FAQs (on page 4), you have additional questions regarding this change in the pay schedule, please contact your coaches.
We look forward to working with you to assure a smooth transition.
Yours truly,
MOD Support Team