The Performance Dashboard provides statistics for your team, currently focusing on phone calls towards new leads. These calculations are performed once a day at midnight, so phone calls that are placed today will not show up on Performance Dashboard until tomorrow.

 Every Monday, you will get an email listing your stats for the previous week. The “week” runs from Monday – Sunday, beginning at 12:01 AM local time. This email also includes a link to take you to the Performance Dashboard and a link to a video walkthrough.

 Team members can only see their own stats. However, if you have Administrative privileges, you will see the stats for the whole team.



The Performance Dashboard shows the following statistics:

 Period - By clicking on any date range in this column, you will be able to see the New Leads from that time period.

 New Leads - New leads are leads that are assigned to a team member (excluding duplicates and leads who are assigned to more than one realtor or lender). These leads must be assigned to the user within 48 hours of the lead’s creation in order to be included.

 Leads Called - This is the percentage of the agent’s New Leads who have received at least one phone call from the assigned agent. Leads called by other agents will not count!

 Not Called - The number of new leads (as defined above) that do not have at least one phone call recorded by the assigned agent.  This excludes leads with invalid phone numbers.

 Time to Call - The average length of time between a lead’s assignment to the user and that user’s first logged phone call.  Leads who register between 8pm and 8am (in the timezone of the Paws user) are excluded from the average. Leads who do not receive any calls are removed from this statistic.

 Calls / Lead - The average number of calls per New Lead.  Leads with invalid phone numbers are excluded. This only counts calls made to New Leads, not calls made to older leads.

 Rejected - The number of leads assigned to the Paws user during the period with either a Discard - Not Worthwhile or Discard - No Response status.



 There are three different ways to view your Performance Dashboard: the Team Overview, the Team Average, and an individual Team Member.

 Team Overview – This shows statistics for every user that has received a lead for that week or month.  

 Team Average - This shows the stats for the team average for the last 6 weeks or months.

 Team Members - This shows the stats for an individual team member for the last 6 weeks or months.



Frequently Asked Questions

 When are the Performance statistics updated?

They are updated at midnight every night, so work that you do today will not be reflected in these statistics until tomorrow.


What about leads who sign up in the middle of the night?

The “Time To Call” field ignores leads that sign up between 8 PM and 8 AM, your local timezone. Those leads are still counted for everything else, though!


What if a lead has a bad phone number?

As long as the phone number is marked as Invalid, that lead will not count towards the “Not Called” statistics. 


I had some Not Called leads last week. If I call them this week, will last week's numbers be updated?

No. The Performance Dashboard provides a snapshot of each week and month. This allows you to track how you are improving from previous weeks and months, which wouldn't be possible if you could retroactively change those statistics. However, you should still call those leads!




 When you select an individual team member, you will see a pie chart at the bottom of the page. This breaks down the Active leads assigned to that agent by status. On the right is a table that lists the Inactive leads assigned to the agent by status.

 Because lender/vendor partners interact very differently with leads, they do not appear on the team average or team overview. A lender/vendor with Administrative privileges will be able to view all the lender/vendor team members.